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una educación

Adela, 47, mother of two, and student

in the morning Adela generally works in a farm where she takes care of the cooking,  cleaning and animals

when she's not working at the farm she sells her cooking at the market

several nights in the week, she goes to highschool to follow the classes at the program

a big part of this students are women who had to give up their studies to take care of their children. Some of them don't have other choice than bring them to their classes

Adela just before her last exam to valid her first year

Adela during her history exam

The  graduation ceremony of the third year students

After 3 years of night classes, students receive their diploma from the hands of their kin

Adela during the ceremony. In 2 years it will be at her turn

At 15, Adela left her home in a little village in north of Argentina to go to Buenos Aires and find some work there. 30 years later, looking for a better life, she decided to go back to her village and taking back her studies to get finally her high-school diploma. Once her diploma gotten, she'd like to go to a culinary school and then become caterer or teacher. But for now she has 3 years of night classes of studies (she's in first year) and 2 or 3 jobs at the same time.

My photo coverage has been selected at the Paris Match contest. You can see it here and vote until tomorrow :)

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